Saturday, April 27, 2013

 Say Crack Again

Resplendent -or awkward- in our edgy Les Plus Dorés tops, we enjoy our solipsism. Soft-spoken, serious and intensely focused, our delivery isn't nearly as exuberant as the persona we've harboured. Yes, being one of us isn't all as cracked up to be. 
We would definitely not recommend it. 

We grew up hoping that our parents would disown us, which is partly why we chose to master the dark arts of artifice, ruse and subterfuge from an early age. But on some fundamental, unspoken level - no matter how different our backgrounds, dispositions and vocations - we all speak the same language, and all know the same script. 

I guess we're fucking crazy. 

We're enthused to slaughter, and malice aforethought comes more naturally than the need to breathe. Our immense and burgeoning hatred for those that surround us has never reached a level as high as this before; the degree - unimaginable, the scope - immeasurable. We decide it's time for us to propel them all away with élan. 
Don't be confused, it's not projection. 

We would be delighted to eviscerate you all. 

Day 1 / Mirtazapine.

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